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Ghostbusters: Frozen Kingdom

Writer's picture: Mr. PatMr. Pat

Hurricane Milton has gone, and I want to talk about the storm for a second. I moved out of Florida in August and luckily missed Helene and Milton. I'm grateful that the storm wasn't as bad as leaders predicted/feared and I'm thankful that the many talented journalists I worked with are safe. Hurricanes are no joke and our coverage of those storms is unlike anything I've ever been a part of while working in news. My prayers go out to those that were in its path and I hope for a quick cleanup. I don't have a good segue out of that, so let's get right down to it and talk...

Ghostbusters: Frozen Kingdom (2024)

After a foray into rural Oklahoma, the gang is back in New York City! Before I go into the movie, I want to say that think that was the right move. While it was cool to get a different perspective, I liked that they went back to their roots. The Ghostbusters just doesn't feel right outside of the concrete jungle of NYC. Our new band of Ghostbusters is living in the old firehouse as Ray and Winston try to revive the brand. Things go sideways when Kumail Nanjiani (that dude is perfect for these movies) sells a box of his grandmother's keepsakes to Ray's occult bookstore. Unbeknownst to them, inside the sphere is the spirit of an evil monster that wants to freeze the world and rule it.

As far as the plot goes, it's nothing special, but I'm not in it for the plot, I want to see ghosts getting busted. I don't think it's possible to recreate the magic of the original four cast members, but the new group does its best. What I love about the first movie is that at its core, it's a horror movie starring four extremely funny actors who all have their roles to play and get to shine in their different ways. Like I said, I like the new group, they're all fun, but replacing the other guys is impossible. This movie brings the originals back and expands their part a bit more than number three did, and I like that. They're there for nostalgia, but since they're not there too long, they don't overshadow everything else going on.

Speaking of callbacks to the original, the best human antagonist is back! William Atherton reprises his role as Walter Peck, the slimy EPA bureaucrat. In case you're wondering what he's been up to since then, he's now the mayor of New York City. I loved seeing him back in the role because rewatching that movie he is such a good asshole. For me, growing up, few baddies were worse than this guy. I did not like him at all, and that's a testament to the writing and Atherton's acting. While it was great to have him back, I think the movie missed an opportunity by not having him interact with Bill Murray. The antagonistic relationship between Peck and Venkman was so good in the first one. Out of all the Ghostbusters, Peck seemed to like Venkman the least and I was sad that he only really spoke with Ray and Winston. I thought it was because of Murray's schedule, but apparently, the OG cast was there for 90% of the shoot. On the plus side, in the past, Murray was always the reason there weren't more movies, and if he's enjoying himself, we will probably get more. Speaking of Peck, he doesn't get the comeuppance you'd hope for. Him being covered in marshmallows was a great way for him to go out. In this one, they give him the equivalent of a hair tussle in front of the cameras.

I also love the expanded role of Slimer. I always liked him, and as a kid, I loved "The Real Ghostbusters," I remember watching the cartoon before watching the movies so I was initially confused that Slimer was a baddie. I love that he's haunting the firehouse and is more active in this one. I mean, one of my favorite things about the second movie is how he's the one who takes Louis to the museum on the bus. Plus, Lincoln really likes Slimer.

I mentioned earlier how the original was a horror movie with a very funny cast, and it makes me a little sad how as the movies go on, you're seeing more comedy and less horror. Ghostbusters II leaned more on the comedy, but say what you want about that movie, the scene where Winston, Ray and Egon are walking on the abandoned subway track is one very scary scene. "Winstonnnnnnnnn." Almost all of the scares in this revolve around the presence of the baddie. While he's cool, I would like to see a bit more.

Speaking of the main baddie, he was cool too. I like the look of him and his ice powers were unique for the franchise. It even takes a lot to bring him down unlike a different ice monster that was built up for an entire show only to get killed off in an instant by Plot Armor Stark negating everything the series was building towards and... never mind, let's not open that can of worms back up!

My favorite thing about the movie was the character Nadeem played by Kumail. I'm a huge fan of the show "Silicon Valley" and was already predisposed to like him. But in this, everything about him and his character works in the world the movie created. His delivery, his lines and his general demeanor are perfect in this movie. Even his hero moment feels earned. When it happens for him, you can't help but smile because he's such an endearing character, even if he started as a two-bit hustler who has no idea what he's gotten himself into.

I like this movie, it's not a classic by any means, but it's entertaining. The new characters are good, Paul Rudd is his charming self and the chemistry between the old cast and the new cast works. It's not just nostalgia speaking, but I will happily see every single one of these as long as they make them! But please, include more interactions between Walter Peck and Peter Venkman!

8 Dr. Chainsaws!



Mr. Pat's 31 Days of Halloween, established MMXI

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